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“花开敦煌”常书鸿 常沙娜父女作品展

琉璃厂艺术官网    发布时间:2019-07-15 10:26    来源:琉璃厂在线

展览时间:2019-07-16 - 2019-09-15
展览城市:北京 - 北京
策 展 人:黄炫梓
主办单位:清华大学艺术博物馆 清华大学美术学院
协办单位:甘肃省文化和旅游厅 敦煌研究院 西北师范大学 江南织造府研究所
参展人员:常书鸿 常沙娜
项目统筹:王晨雅 崔冬晖 黄炫梓
策展助理:鲍悦 曾皓暐 周建娥
视觉统筹:王鹏 喻筠雅 戚秋兰
视觉设计:郭鑫 鲍悦
展览设计:喻筠雅 郭鑫 鲍悦
展览执行:王晨雅 兰钰 曾义烨 张晓玲 贺洪业 朱传栋
Chang Shuhong was one of the most eminent artists among Chinese artists early studying abroad in France. After returning to China, Chang strived to preserve Dunhuang cultural heritage throughout his life. Hence, he was praised as the "Gardian of Dunhuang". His daughter, Chang Shana (Saône Chang), is influenced by him and dedicates all her life to education and promotion of Dunhuang. Both of them are well-known Dunhuang experts in China. 
Chang Shana carries on her father's work. She started copying and studying Dunhuang murals since she was twelve years old. She showed her talents and was sponsored to study abroad in the U.S. After returning from abroad, she stepped out into the field of arts and crafts under the guidance of Lin Huiyin, noted architect and writer. She applied Dunhuang art patterns in decorative designs of the Great Hall of the People and other national designing projects. Also, as an artist, she was inspired by lives in nature and produced exquisite paintings of flowers. Chang, with her unique artistic style, has distinguished contribution to incorporating Chinese traditional context with modern designing.
"Everlasting Beauty of Dunhuang: the Exhibition of Chang Shuhong and Chang Shana's Art Works" starting with the "Return From Paris" section, moving into the "Blood Connection" section and finally ending at the section of applications Dunhuang art. It provides the audience with a real example of the extention and creation based on studying the ancient culture. The exhibition displays around 200 works, connects lives of the two generations, and expresses the core idea: cultural protection and inheritance. It evokes the modern generation to introspect the mission to success and revive their cultures in this era.

